Saturday 6 July 2013

Useful words

Useful words

adept - very skilled; proficient; expert; adept in competing against; small firms are proving adept at using..
impeccable - faultless; flawless; impeccable manner, impeccable credentials
accustomed - customary; usual; habitual; 
leverage - n,v - power or ability to act or to influence people, events, decisions, etc.; sway: Being the only industry intown gave the company considerable leverage in its union negotiations. advantage, strength,weightclout, pull

sustain, sustainable
lavish - using or giving in great amount; lavish praise
consensus - majority of opinion
demise - death or decease;termination of existence or operation
autonomy - independence or freedom, as of the will or one's actions
autonomous - self-governing;
deteriorate - to make or become worse or inferior in character, quality or value, etc. serious deterioration in performance
culminate - to reach the highest point, summit; to end or arrive at a final stage.
fret - v - to feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent, or the like: Fretting about the lost ring isn't going to help.
affiliate - v,n - to bring into close association or connection: The research center is affiliated with the university.
Unbridled - adj - not controlled or restrained: Unbridled enthusiasm 
pervade - v - to become spread throughout all parts of: Spring pervaded the air.
absolve - tv - to free from guilt or blame or their consequences;to set free or release, as from some duty, obligation, or responsibility
superfluous - being more than is sufficient or required; excessive;unnecessary or needless;
pledge - n,v - a solemn promise or agreement to do or refrain from doing something:

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